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Securitisys Vulnerability Assessment-as-a-Service

  • The Securitisys vulnerability assessment attempts to find holes in the Client’s security systems and practices. The assessment asks the question, “where can an intruder gain unauthorized access to IT infrastructure, databases, and applications”. Securitisys check network and Web Application Components. The checks include the search for known and unknown vulnerabilities including missing patch levels, out of date operating systems, out of date software revisions, open and exposed ports.

    The assessment checks:

  • Checks Network equipment (Servers, Routers etc.)
  • Checks Web Applications (Websites, Portals etc.)
  • Network Vulnerability Assessment.

    Find the vulnerabilities on your network before attackers do.

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  • Threat Intelligence

    Securitisys Team utilizes advanced analytics and machine learning to give you clear visibility into the.

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  • Remediate your Vulnerabilities Faster

    Securitisys incorporates essential security capabilities – vulnerability assessment, intrusion

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  • Scan and Monitor your Environments

    Securitisys Team makes continuous network vulnerability assessment a simple yet flexible process

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    When a vulnerability assessment could be beneficial

    • Prior to undertaking a formal compliance audit
    • Writing data and information security policies
    • Planning an incident response strategy
    • Procuring security products and services

    Why do you need our services

  • Securitisys’s 24×7 Security Teams work around the clock to monitor, detect, and respond to cyber attacks before they have the chance to impact your business.

  • 24x7 eyes-on-screen Monitoring.

    Our 24×7 SOC-as-a-Service ensures security is monitored around the clock by expert team of professionals.

  • Protect your organization

    Securitisys’s 24×7 Security Teams work around the clock to monitor, detect, and respond to cyber attacks before they have a chance to impact your business.

  • Vendor Agnostic Approach

    Fully Customized to your unique requirements. Our vendor agnostic team supports all the industry leading security solutions

  • Managed Risk & Compliance

    Compliance with standards like PCI, HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, FFIEC, NERC CIP, CMMC and FISMA

    Ready to take control of your Security?

  • We are here to help

    Reach out to schedule a demo with our team and learn how Securitisys SOC-as-a-Service can benefit your organization

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